Catholic Church Opposes Dems for Supporting Abortion

The liberals are still pushing for their pro-choice agenda on abortion. However, the conservatives are not backing down on their anti-abortion stance. 

Moreover, Catholic and anti-abortion groups are also furious with the dems for supporting abortion. They believe that by supporting abortion… the liberals are okay with killing millions of innocent unborn children. 

The church has always supported the sanctity of human life. They see the democratic party’s stance on abortion as a direct attack on their values.

Pelosi Pressed on Abortion Rights

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is an avid supporter of abortion for women. This June, the demo-rat was pressed on whether the dems’ rhetoric about the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on abortion… is fueling violence against churches and pro-life clinics. 

She said, “Well, let me just say this: a woman has a right to choose. To live up to her responsibility is up to her, her doctor, her family, her husband, her significant other, and her God,”

Then she added, “This talk of politicizing all of this. I think it is something uniquely American and not right. Other countries, Ireland, Italy, and Mexico have had legislative initiatives to expand a woman’s right to choose. Very Catholic countries.”

Pelosi’s advocation for abortion has put her at odds with members of the Catholic clergy. One of them is the San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone… who announced last month that the speaker would be denied communion.

Cordileone wrote to Pelosi that she had no right to present herself for the Holy Communion. The priests will not distribute communion if she does go to a mass. 

The statement said, “A Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion… after knowing the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin. [This] is a cause of the most serious scandal to others. Universal Church law provides that such persons are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”

Pelosi should’ve known that there would be consequences for meddling with abortion. The demo-rat is facing one of the biggest oppositions right now…

DOJ to Investigate Abortion Issues

Catholic and anti-abortion groups encourage the Department of Justice to investigate abortion issues. The calls come amid the attacks from abortion activists.

According to CatholicVote, there have been 24 attacks on pregnancy resource centers and abortion groups. Unfortunately, it’s expected to get worse if not addressed.

Four groups are now working together for this common goal:

  • CatholicVote
  • SBA Pro-Life America
  • The Heritage Foundation
  • Students for Life Action 

They wrote in a joint letter to the Justice Department. They said,  “We call on you to publicly condemn these unlawful attacks; to commit to vigorous efforts to prevent them, and to investigate and prosecute them, and to proactively engage with the affected faith communities to ensure their concerns and security needs are being met.”

The DOJ and the Department of Homeland Security are currently monitoring this issue.

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